You will develop a paper on a current health policy issue that you are interested in.  This should be an issue which can be addressed by legislation or other government action at the federal, state, or local level. We will discuss how to identify a suitable topic, so do not worry if nothing comes to mind at the start of the semester. The paper’s text should be 10 pages long, plus add to that a title page, Abstract, & References.  It should be written in APA style.

A list of issues is posted on Blackboard for you to begin thinking about what you care about & would like to write on.

You will think of a policy problem which must be solved, & have a policy idea how to solve it. You

will briefly introduce what the policy issue consists of & why is important to solve.

1)  Provide a brief background for your reader of the epidemiological statistics of the problem

2)  Explain the scientific, public health, medical, nursing background, so the policymaker understands

1) Explain the legislative & policy background previous & new legislation of the problem

III  Your own Policy plan how to solve the problem

This is the template for your paper, but can be adjusted further according to the issue.