Establish the significance of a topic, idea, person, event, or process in Church history for the period covered in this Church History course, and why it matters. Briefly discuss the essential elements of what constitutes this as being significant enough to be included in recorded Church history.
2. Discuss how the significant topic chosen influences one’s understanding of the nature and Biblical soundness of the Church.
3. Explain how historically, people have interpreted historical topics, ideas, persons, events, or processes in Church history from radically different perspectives. For example, a Catholic calls an event a Revolution while a
non-Catholic calls the same event the Reformation. Same event, very different perspectives.
4. Apply what you have researched. Explain how this understanding can be applied in your local church as a pastor, leader or teacher (basically: how can this knowledge be used by you to help others?). While at first, this portion seems vague; consider how culture and even in our local churches, one may be completely ignorant of the truth of events in Church history as quite often, liberal culture seeks to rewrite this history.