Comparison between President Trump and Andrew Jackson Political Ideolog.

Guidelines for Submission: Your draft should contain all of the required elements highlighted in the Research Design and Conclusion sections.
Highlight HEADING

2 Methodology
3 Andrew Jackson
4 Jackson’s Ideology
5 Similarities with the 7th as Seen Through the 45th
6 Pennsylvania in 2016
7 Comparing Cultural, Economic, and Political Statuses
8 Challenges with the Comparison
9 Analysis
10 Conclusion
Works Cited

Research Design: This should include a detailed plan to collect and analyze data, as well as highlighting the types of sources you would use. For instance, depending on your topic, you might choose to conduct a statistical analysis or conduct a discourse analysis of texts such as newspaper articles or speeches. Or you might choose to implement surveys and/or conduct interviews to gather your data.
This section will also require you to detail your research plan and justify your approach, while discussing the reliability and validity of your measurements. You should also consider (1) how you will operationalize or measure the main concepts/variables you are studying; (2) if applicable, describe the cases under study and justify why you selected them; and
(3) i: include a description of your data sources and your planned methods for collecting data or conducting your research. 2. Conclusion: In

2. Conclusion: In this final section of the text, you will summarize your thesis and explain why your proposed research is significant and highlight what the practical implications of your potential findings would be for your target audience(s). This section should include an evaluation of your research’s potential contribution to the field of political science. You should also discuss how you will ensure that your research design conforms to political science ethical standards.
Key Aspects of the Research Design: Provides a comprehensive overview of the key aspects of the research design.
Justification: Details your research plan and justifies your approach while discussing the reliability and validity of your measurements.
Articulation of Response: Submission contains no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization.