Explain the forces that drove Europeans to exploration.

Link to your instructor’s lecture on YouTube: https://youtu.be/rs_xland_FY

Readings in your text particularly pages 16-19.

Documentary: The History of Europeans in America.

Based upon the above documentary, write the following essay.

In the first paragraph of your essay, address the following: What country originally settled most of what is now called Latin America? What country settled what is now Brazil? What country settled what is now Canada? What country originally settled what is now New York? In general, how were the Native Americans who originally lived in those places impacted? Additional information,

In the second paragraph of your essay, address the following: The first two lasting settlements for the English in North America were Jamestown in what would become Virginia and Plymouth in what would become Massachusetts. The original settlers in those two places had vastly different goals. Explain. Additional information, Chapter 2.

In the third paragraph of your essay, address the following: The thirteen English colonies can be broken down into three groups based upon geography… the New England Colonies, the Southern Colonies, and the Middle Colonies. Each of those areas developed differently with unique characteristics. Explain. Additional information, Chapter 2.

How did England’s victory in the French and Indian War lead ultimately to the loss of its North American colonies?

Link to your instructor’s video lecture on YouTube: https://youtu.be/p0YQvf00elE

Readings in your text particularly pages 140-150.

Identify several important factors that helped the Americans win the Revolution.

Link to your instructor’s video lecture on YouTube: https://youtu.be/nOt9fXtK9Jg

Readings in your text particularly pages 150-165.