Write a letter in block format to a nongovernmental organization (make believe-pretend) introduce yourself (nurse from New York) and subject will be about a healthcare issue in Botswana Africa regarding HIV and make a recommendation and request for support.

The purpose of the letter is to request resources to address the identified health issue in Botswana, Africa. Write the letter to the organization provided below and keep in mind that the person reading your letter has a doctoral degree in business and a graduate degree in public health. Introduce yourself, explain why you are writing, and your concern about the HIV in Botswana. Acknowledge your awareness of the NGO in providing funds (as described below) and clearly state your request and how the funds will be used. Be persuasive in explaining to the NGO why you need their support and how their mission is connected to your project. Describe how their financial support will support your plan to address the chosen issue. End your letter with a strong closing paragraph.

NGO Information to Use in Letter
Name and address of the NGO is:
Creating Space for Life
Mary Phillips, Executive Director
5555 Fifty-first Street
Plain City, NJ 01012
Mission of the NGO: Reaching the poorest of the poor in developing countries in order to educate, heal, and empower.
The NGO has funded projects in the chosen country previously but not within the past three years. The last funded project was for a chronic disease prevention project and was funded at the $75,000 level.
Not much is known about the governing board, but the executive director ran a large hospital system before joining the NGO. She has a PhD in business and a master’s in public health (MPH).
Although it is unlikely that a business letter would include reference citations, this one will. Cite at least two (2) articles.