Applied Bioscience for Critical Conditions GMED3009

You are required to write your own case study on a patient who has sepsis. You can draw from clinical practicum experience and/or read widely on the topic and develop your own case study.

The case study should include/In the description of the patient the following: You can use the below as headings for your case study.

Section 1.

The purpose of this section is to provide the reader with a detailed overview of the patient. You will need to read broadly on the topic to accurately present the case study information.

1.Patient background (History prior to hospital admission) – What happened before hospital arrival.

2.Reason for admission – Signs and symptoms – Initial vital signs

3.Past medical/surgical history – What might be applicable to sepsis and why?

Please note that most of the information in the patient background, reason for admission and past medical/ surgical history sections will come from you. As such, only provide references where you want to justify or support your point.

4.Aetiology and brief pathophysiology – These should be consistent with the information provided in the reason for admission and past medical/surgical history sections.

5.Physical examination of the patient and expected findings based on the condition.

Only focus on areas that are related to sepsis. Many medical-surgical books or journal articles will provide areas to focus on when conducting a physical examination of a patient with a diagnosis of sepsis.

 It is also important to include physical examination techniques (e.g. inspection, palpation, etc.) in your writing.

Diagnostic tests (e.g. blood test, chest x-ray, etc.) are not part of the physical examination.

Section 2.

Students are then required to cover the following

1.Critique in detail 1 treatment for the diagnosis (Pharmacological or non-pharmacological), giving an evidence-based rationale for the treatment and highlighting any nursing care.

You will be required to clearly explain the mechanism of action, how the treatment impacts on outcomes of a patient with sepsis and specific nursing care to be considered (the nursing care should be related to the critiqued treatment).

If you choose to critique a pharmacological treatment, it is important that your critique should be based on one specific medication rather than a class/group of medications.

Your case study you must have:

Cover and contents page

References no more than 7 years old

Minimum of 8-10 references from journal articles and textbooks. The use of information and downloads from websites will not be accepted

Correct spelling and grammar

Strict APA style referencing

Length: 1500 words +/- 10%

Please make sure each section relates back to your case study when considering your answers.


11 or 12 point readable font (e.g., Calibri, Times New Roman, Arial etc.)

1.5 line spacing throughout (including the reference list)

Include page numbers

Full sentences (no dot points unless the question asks you to list);

Contractions (where two words have been shortened into one e.g., doesn’t, wouldn’t, couldn’t etc.) should not be used in academic writing;

Numbers under 10 should be in written format (e.g., ‘five’); numbers over 10 should be in numeric format (e.g., ‘20’).

All numbers (no matter how big) at the very beginning of a sentence should be in written format (e.g., “Thirty-five patients had a trauma.”)

E.g. and i.e. should only be used when in parentheses (AKA brackets). When outside parentheses use “For example,” for e.g. and “that is” for i.e.;

Always try and paraphrase from your source rather than quote as it demonstrates that you have understood the material

First-person (i.e. “I”, “we” etc.) should not be used for this assessment;

Australian spelling rather than US spelling (e.g., “behaviour” rather than “behavior”);

Careful proofreading of your paper and at least a spelling and grammar check before submission.