Page 1 Kaplan Business School Assessment OutlineAssessment 1 Information Subject Code:MAN304Subject Name:Issues in International BusinessAssessmentTitle:Business News Article AnalysisAssessment Type:Individual Written AnalysisWord Count:1500Words(+/-10%)Weighting:30Total Marks:30Submission:Via Globalisation Date:Monday, Week 6, 13.55pmYour Task To undertake an individual analysis of a contemporary business article related to a current international business issue. Assessment Description You are expected to find a “current news/business article” of approximately 600-800 words related to a current international business issue (that might include topics such as: International Business/Globalisation, Strategic Directions, Global Monetary Environment, Trade, Investment, and Foreign Ownership)The article must be sufficient in length and scope to allow a detailed analysis, and examples. Your choice of article and the topics to be covered MUST be approved by your lecturer to ensure that the article/topics are relevant. Sample articles will be provided as a guideline, to assist you in your own choice of article.Learning OutcomesLO1:Discuss and demonstrate an understanding of the key issues in international businessLO2:Demonstrate understanding of the nature of the trade and investment environment in which international business takes placeLO4: Demonstrate awareness of the political and cultural differences that influence international business