Assignment 3: Asking the Right Questions
Including the right information in your criminal justice reports depends on many things. It is very important that you develop a habit of asking the right questions in order to collect the right information, taking detailed notes, and always keeping your information organized. You must ensure that the information you put in your reports is specific and accurate in order to ensure individuals are readily identified, facts regarding possible criminal activity lead to or show the necessary probable cause, and that any action by law enforcement during the incident or post-incident investigation does not violate anyone’s civil rights or Constitutional protections.
To complete Assignment 3, write a two-to-three (2-3) page paper in which you:
In a Criminal Complaint and / or Arrest Warrant
Prepare a summary of the essential questions you’ll need to ask in order to gather the information that must be included in the report.
Describe an organizational or note taking strategy that would facilitate the creation of this report.
Explain how the information in the report you’ve selected would be used to form the basis for a presentation to the District Attorney’s office, or for any arrest or follow up investigation.
Please cite at least two (2) quality sources for this assignment.