Assessment Task 2: Practice Change Proposal
This item of assessment is a Practice Change Proposal to be
carried out in your workplace setting.
Once you have carried on a topic, please start a new thread in
MyLo under questions on Assessment 2, so the Unit
Coordinator and tutor can work with you on your individual
Practice Change Proposal.
You should identify a practice change and a suitable alternative
approach appropriate for your area of practice that you would
like to see piloted/introduced.
Develop your idea into a proposal suitable for submission to
your practice setting.
You will need to:
• Provide a background to the project, including a brief literature
review to contextualise the project, justify your proposal and
identify the potential benefits to yourworkplace,
• Develop realistic aims and objectives.

• Describe and apply one or more theory, model or framework of
implementation that you will use to assist you in achieving your
practice change,
• Discuss methods of evaluation of your practice change.
Assessment Criteria Measures Intended
Learning Outcome:
Criterion 1 The extent to which a clear practice change
proposal is outlined, with realistic aims and
objectives/justification, with appropriate
theory, model or framework of implementation
and evaluation methods.
2 & 3
Criterion 2 The literature and context are used to support
the proposal.
1, 2, 3
Criterion 3
The proposal’s benefits and potential
difficulties, solutions, and costs are logically
and coherently explained.
Criterion 4
The proposal is presented in a persuasive
academic style, with citations and
referencing in accordance with the
Harvard referencing system.
Standard descriptors for these criteria are included in the assessment rubric, located
in the Assessment 2 folder in MyLO.
Task length 2000 – 3000 words (no 10% margin)