1. Compare and contrast the structures of the Ph.D. and D.B.A. programs in theCollege of Business Administration at Trident University and the expectations tocomplete either degree (Module 1)

2. Differentiate professional and academic writing at the doctoral level (Module 1)

.3. Develop time management strategies to successfully pursue a doctoral degree(Module 1)

.4. Differentiate research areas and topics of study within applied and academic investigation (Module 2)

.5. Identify appropriate reliable sources of literature for applied and academicresearch (Module 2).

6. Describe the components of a research project (Module 2).

7. Differentiate data sources for research (Module 2).

8. Explain theory application to real world situations (Module 3).Listen7/8/2020Home – DOC600 Introduction to Doctoral Studies and Research Methods (SUM2020-2)https://tlc.trident.edu/d2l/le/content/168315/viewContent/3616656/View2/29. Describe how researchers use literature in their studies and understand the stepsof completing a literature review (Module 3).10. Conduct a mini literature review and develop an annotated bibliography (Module3).11. Distinguish strengths of business theories (Module 3).12. Define differences between qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods (Module4).13. Compare and contrast scientific research methods (Module 4).14. Evaluate data sources (Module 4).15. Describe the differences between business ethics and research ethics (Module5).16. Distinguish intellectual property rights (Module 5).17. Apply citations rules following APA (Module 5).18. Understand the purpose of IRB (Module 5).19. Reflect upon and integrate course concepts (Module 6).20. Prepare and submit a Reflective Essay (Module 6).