Please choose ONE question from the two questions below and write a 2000-words essay:
‚In deciding whether a contract can be terminated for breach, or whether the breach merely triggers a right to damages, the Courts have looked at the importance of the term broken as well as the seriousness of the consequences of the breach. This has resulted in the distinction between conditions, warranties and intermediate terms.™

Does maintaining such distinction help the Court to achieve these purposes?
Critically assess this statement and properly support your answer with relevant authorities.


Foreseeability is required in establishing a duty of care as well as in evaluating remoteness of damages. Has this standard been applied similarly or differently in these situations? Illustrate your answer with relevant authorities.

2. Please ensure that:

a. The essay has a maximum length of 2,000 words including footnotes.

Not included within the word limit are: the bibliography.
Note that you are not permitted to include an appendix, or appendices, to the essay.

b. Before submitting please make sure:

You have included your student number in each page of your answer.
You have included page numbers.
You have adopted font-size 12 pt font; text double-spaced.
You have saved the essay as a PDF document.