3. FINAL DISCUSSION (20% of your grade)
Congratulations! You’ve made it! To wrap up the semester, please answer all of the following questions and post your response in the discussion forum as well as the folder created below. Note that this serves as your final exam, which should reflect your mastery of the materials covered in this course. Your response to each question should be minimum of 3 paragraphs. Also, mention specific names of the theories and cite the proper author/scholars you discuss. Like always, your response should be posted by this Sunday. Engage your classmates’ responses.
* Once again, post your response to the forum, as well as the folder below. It is important that you submit the same response in the folder created below as well, to receive the full credits.
1. State the most interesting theory that you have learned in this course. Make sure to cite the proper source (or the author) and paraphrase the original wording. Then, discuss the implications of that theory in today’s policy making process in the U.S.
2. Describe a view that you have newly formed while taking this course. Make sure to explain how your view has changed or formed. Point out explicitly what part of the course material has influenced that view.
Book citation
Jack W. Meek and Kurt Thurmaier, ed. Networked Governance: The Future of Intergovernmental Management (Washington, CQ Press, 2012)
Patrick J. McGuinn, No Child Left Behind and the Transformation of Federal Education Policy, 1965-2005 (Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 2006)
Laurence J. O’Toole Jr., ed. American Intergovernmental Relations: Foundations, Perspectives, and Issues. Fifth edition (Washington, CQ Press, 2007)