Visit the Art Institute of Chicago Online Collection. You can narrow your search by using the filters to include drawings and paintings. You can also add search words to narrow down the content and subject matter of your choosing. For example, search for “still life”, “flowers”, “cake”, “kitchen”, “Henri Matisse”, etc.

Each of us is experiencing these trying times differently. Art is a form of communication and even more, Art can resonate the emotions we may be feeling at any time. For this reflection paper, pick 2 two-dimensional pieces (drawing and/or painting) from the Museum’s collection that make an impact on you as you consider what the world, and most importantly, YOU are going through right now. Explain why you found these pieces particularly poignant/compelling.

Pay attention to your first reaction seeing the pieces; how they made you feel. Likewise, pay attention to how you feel after studying the pieces and the artists. How do these pieces relate to you and your experience this year?

The reflection paper should be 3 pages long. Please include an extra page with the images of the pieces you are writing about.