(More details and citations in the attachment)
Through the two main examples I would like them to be critically analysed with related theories of post-feminist advertising. The first example is on the Dior fall 2017 campaign and its big statement, the “we should all be feminist” T-shirt. The Artistic Director shifted Dior from being feminine to feminist. It is possible to see this change from Jennifer Lawrence’s photoshoot (see image) analysing the posing and the way she is dressed, very different from the classic Dior style. Fashion has been highly influenced after this feminist campaign from the French brand. With this first example, at least the theory from Ros Gill (chapter 3 of Gender and the media) has to be used to critically analyse it.
The second example is about Always #LikeAGirl 2014 video campaign. In here as well, analyse the video in its content and message, pointing out at the meaning of doing something “like a girl” another statement, a bit more subtle than Dior’s one. In the second example, use at least Ros Gill theories for critically analyse it.
In general try to use at least 2/3 of the references in bold, but feel free to add others if more relevant. There is no limit to online sources, just do not abuse it.
To conclude, highlight common points and differences between the two examples and if these adverts can be considered successful based on the post-feminist theories.