Groupmates : Josh,Vivian,nic,ben,jasmine

Stages of Group development

a). Identify how your group progressed through the stages of group development. Identify the highest stage of group development your group reached.  (Note, adjourning should not be discussed as you are still working as a team.)

  • The highest stage that our group reached is performing .
  • Forming stage –we were all still trying to get to know each other because this is an online course and we don’t know each others personality then Josh stepped in and is always on top of every assignment we had. We got to know each other and trusted more.
  • Storming stage – everyone got along .we had to split parts of the case study and everyone was working on their own and whenever we needed help josh and vivan are always there to help.
  • Norming stage –
  • Performing stage – every one understands everyone


  1. Did you fall back at any time during the project? Why or why not? OR Did you move ahead of schedule at any time during the project? Why or why not?

I think that if anyone is not able to do his or her part, other available member will pick up the work and josh is always on top of it. And Vivian is always on top of the case study format and if theres anything wrong with the spelling


c). What were the implications of the team’s development on your project?

– there is team work

– we were having a hard time convening because people were late to reply

d). Discuss the impact of Groupthink symptoms on your team

– vulnaribility

– attitudes of my team , common goals, clear direction encourage difference in opinion, team trust collaboration

– even though it takes a while for my group mates to respond , they get the work done.