This module focuses on contemporary issues in criminology, social control, and the criminal justice system. The broader theme will be to illustrate the role of the state in crime and social control through, for example, the interface between social policy and crime control, the evolution of governmental form and criminalisation, and the rise of diverse forms and means of governance and their consequences on processes of criminalisation.
The online information resource should contain text (2000 words), images, and references but may also include music and video. The final product will take the form of a website and so students will learn web publishing skills and develop critical thinking, research and referencing skills. Your target audience will be other students as well as anyone interested in your chosen topic. More detailed guidance on how to create the online information resource will be given in-class during the term.
Your website should:
▪ Engage with key module themes: Freedom; Security; Risk management; Othering; Self-governance; Responsibilisation (note: you do not need to include all of these, just those that you can relate best to your contemporary issue)
▪ Engage with key criminological theories that relate to your contemporary issues and in doing so, consider how these theories inform debates around this contemporary issue
▪ Consider how this contemporary issue might suggest changes in government policy/practice
▪ Use substantive examples (e.g.