Topic: Climate change modelling
Description: Predicting future climates can be complex, as we can not simply extrapolate these from past climates. To ascertain future climates models need to incorporate all of the nonlinear processes (i.e. range and interconnectedness of climate drivers) under any future scenario. Global Climate Models (GCMs) are mathematical models that rely on the laws of physics. Climate models are generally robust, with uncertainties arising due to unknowable or ranging parameterisations. GCMs predict future climate scenarios and detail the management of natural resources, infrastructure and disaster mitigation under these future scenarios.

Task: Prepare a single, stand-alone paragraph (not exceeding 200 words) on your research topic. Your standalone paragraph should be written in either first or third person and include:
Background: As an introduction to your topic (or why this research question is being asked).
Clearly stated research question or statement.
Draft of proposed scope for your research topic (i.e. what is included or exempt from your research topic, and why).
Overarching importance of this topic in a broader scientific context.
Citing of at least two primary articles published between 2016 and present.
Reference list formatted to the Undergraduate Research in Science Practice and Communication (UR-SPC: A guide for authors).