The aim of this assessment item is for student to demonstrate an ability to locate, read, and appraise literature that informs practice in caring for older persons with impaired cognitive function.
TASK: To present an Annotated Bibliography of three papers on a specific topic:
• For this assessment item you are required to choose one (1) of the main cognitive function impairments discussed in the course – Dementia, Delirium, or Depression
• Locate three (3) current journal articles on the chosen topic
(You will be guided in selection of journal articles in the first teaching block).
• Write an annotation for each article: Use the table provided to guide analysis and summary of the article (Table not to be submitted)
Structure and Content – How to set out your assignment:
1. Provide the name of the article, author names and year (not included in the word count)
2. Write a 300-word paragraph (annotation) summarising your analysis in relation to the following criteria:
− Identify the main focus or issues of concern, and describe the authors viewpoint and aim
− Provide an accurate, succinct summary of the paper including results or findings
− Identify implications and / or recommendations for clinical health care and specifically for nurses, recommendations for further research, or resources
− Include at least 2 in-text citations of the relevant article
3. Provide a copy of the article’s abstract (including title) for each annotation
4. Complete this process for each article
5. Finally, provide a reference list of the three articles, in APA7th format, on a separate page, at the end of the assignment
Please ensure that your submitted copy includes:
1. Assignment Title Page (please refer to the Health Writing and Referencing guidelines on the course site for correct content and format)
2. The annotations and abstracts for each article, and final reference list as per instructions above. (Note: you do not need to include the marking criteria).
3. Assemble all pages into one document (MS Word or pdf)
4. Check everything, and Save a copy of you work
5. Submit on-line via the relevant submission point on the course site / Assessment tab