Medication for Acute stroke.

Understand and explain first line treatment for the disease

The first line of treatment is the part of the standard of treatment that is first given for a disease. Other treatment ought to be added because it doesn’t cure the disease. For the case of acute stroke, it depends if one has an ischemic stroke or stroke caused by bleeding in the brain.

For the case of Ischemic stroke doctor’s aims at quickly restoring blood flow to the brain through; Emergency IV medication.

Understand and explain second line treatment and why you would use

When symptoms start of a blood clot, therapy with drugs is supposed to be given within the first 4.5hrs. Giving this treatment quickly reduces complications and improves chances of survival. Tissue plasminogen activator is the known treatment for ischemic stroke, which is usually given through the vein within the first three hours as well as 4.5 hours after the symptoms of stroke starts (Woodhouse 2017). This drug is known to be removing the cause of stroke through dissolving the clotted blood that causes a stroke. The drug can help the stroke patients to recover through the doctor taking the treatment fully must consider the risk factors the patient might experience to administer an appropriate tissue plasminogen activator.

  1. Emergency endovascular procedures.

After ischemic stroke, the outcomes and long term disabilities are reduced by carrying out endovascular therapy. The following procedures are followed.

It is delivering of medication directly to the brain by insertion of a long thin tube passing through the artery to the groin where it provides medicine directly to the brain or by removing the clot with a stent retriever.

Other alternatives to ischemic stroke therapy include opening up of the artery that is usually narrowed by the clot, but this will always depend on the condition of the patient. This includes endarterectomy of carotid or stents and angioplasty.

The second line of treatment in acute stroke becomes the treatment of hemorrhagic stroke. This involves the reduction of pressure and control of breeding caused by the clot (Patorno et al., 2020). The alternatives of hemorrhagic stroke include surgical clipping, surgery, endovascular embolization, as well as emergency measures.

When starting medication, a broad range of reactions might arise. I.e. when starting medication, one may have signs of dizziness, rash as well as trouble in breathing. It is, therefore, essential for a patient to discuss the side effects of both long and short term effects of a disease. Patients of acute stroke are therefore advised to take prescribed drugs so as they can be able to share the reactions of medications with the doctor.

Medication for Bipolar type II

Understand and explain first line treatment for the disease

The first line of treatment after a patient is diagnosed with bipolar type II is assessing the safety of the patient. For instance, patients showing acute manic episode should be evaluated for suicidal behavior, aggressiveness, and possibilities of being violent to others (Shayegh Borojeni, & Sajjadian, 2019). All antidepressants, alcohol and nicotine should be discontinued immediately.

Understand and explain second line treatment and why you would use second line treatment.

In the second treatment involves the use of drugs such as lithium, anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, and benzodiazepines. The treatment modalities are affordable for two weeks to evaluate their efficiency, and if not active other agents are recommended (Kalelioglu et al., 2017). The second line treatment is done to check if the patient demonstrates the remission of elevated moods. If the client shows, partial remission clinicians recommend augmenting therapy with an additional different drug. The treatment is effective for patients with acute mania and severe hypomania.

Clearly explain the patient medication (minimum of 3-5 medication)

Lithium: Lithium is one of the most generally and regularly utilized medications in the treatment of bipolar issue. Various examination contemplates have been directed to decide the adequacy of lithium in the treatment of bipolar issue, which proposes that the medication is valuable in diminishing hyper-active scenes and lessening paces of self-destruction related with bipolar problem. lithium impacts the focal sensory system, there is no authoritative end with respect to how the medication settles in the state of mind, despite the fact that it is imagined that the medication accomplishes work to fortify nerve cells in the cerebrum, which are answerable for mind-set guideline. In a similar way, valproic corrosive has been appeared to lessen side effects, for example, sadness. It is thought to decrease raised degrees of dopamine, which are related with temperament issue. ” Although lithium has for some time been utilized to treat BD, Besides, almost certainly, the cooperation of a wide range of hereditary, epigenetic, and ecological elements add to this unpredictable and heterogeneous disposition issue. In spite of the fact that the etiology of BD remains inadequately comprehended, it is accepted to include different elements, including dysregulation of flagging pathways and quality articulation, loss of synaptic versatility, diminished cell strength, decreased synapse thickness, and variations from the norm in neuroanatomical structure and capacity” (Deglin & Vallerand, 2019)

Carbamazepine: this medication is used to decrease synaptic transmission in the CNS, it is used in treatment of tonic-clonic, partial seizures and also bipolar disorder. This medication is not to be used for status epilepticus because it may worsen the myoclonic or even cause absence seizures. This medication has side effects like suicidal thought, and behavioral problems. It also causes born marrow depression; the white blood count of the patient should be monitored to avoid bone marrow depression (Deglin & Vallerand, 2019).

Risperidone:  this is an antipsychotic, atypical medication that works by interfering with the binding with dopamine in the interlimbic region of the brain, serotonin receptor in the occipital cortex. This medication is used to eliminate psychotic symptoms and related psychosis. It is also used in treatment of bipolar disorder. This medication works by improving the negative symptoms in such as blunted affect and emotional withdrawal. This medication is metabolized in the liver. The common side effects include headache, drowsiness, dry mouth, tachycardia and urinary retention (Deglin & Vallerand, 2019).