<br><br>Your evaluation must answer the following six questions. <br><br>

What is the question (or problem) the author is attempting to answer and what is his/her main argument?<br>

What are the main claims the author makes to support his/her argument (you may identify up to 4 claims)?<br>

a) What evidence does the author offer to support the claims?

b) What is the quality of the evidence?<br>

What assumptions or biases has the author made? <br>

If you were to write an essay on this subject, what would be your argument on this question/problem (for instance, do you agree or disagree with the author’s argument and/or claims, and why?)<br>

If you were to write an essay with this argument, what possible assumptions and/or biases would you need to be aware of?<br><br>not needed to add a number of sources, but if you added that might be perfect.<br><br>750 words, +/- 10%.