GreenWood Resources
1. What are the reasons for them to look to expanding in China? Identify at least four strong reasons with both the generic reason from the lecture and the specifically from the case and the company.
2. What are the risks they are facing growing international in this way? You should refer to the categories identified in the Potential Risks of International Expansion section from Chapter 7 and map on to specific risks in this case.
3. What type of international strategy should the firm use? Refer to Exhibit 7.3 and its chapter information.
a. Why do you think they should follow this strategy?
b. In what ways does their current multinational strategy match or differ from what
they should be doing?
4. If you were advising GreenWood, would you suggest they pursue the Luxi project, the
Dongji project, both, or neither? Clearly state your recommendation and provide justification.
The first document is the article of case study.
The second document is the material for Questions 1&2
The third document is the material for questions 3