For this week’s Assignment you will be creating a hypothetical case assessment involving a client with an issue that merits an adult (18 years – 70 years) personality assessment. Write a minimum 10-page essay incorporating the following elements: Include the following demographic and personal information: fictional name, age, marital status, number of children, educational level, income level, and relevant medical history. Describe clearly the nature of the client’s presenting problem (e.g., consideration of inpatient substance abuse treatment, a candidate for successful completion of a behavior analysis/application program, or a patient with a psychiatric diagnosis, etc.). Explain the initial problem in sufficient detail to make clear your decisions regarding assessment. Based on the above, answer the following questions in essay format: What would be the most appropriate instrument in personality assessment for evaluating the primary presenting problem? What are the strengths regarding what this instrument can tell us about the client? Why is this the most appropriate instrument? (Be sure to include appropriate reference to source materials.) What are the limitations of what this instrument can tell us about the client? Discuss some of the concerns or issues that might arise in a workplace setting with an individual that has this personality disorder. Elaborate on how this disorder could affect the workplace culture/climate in regards to behavior, interpersonal and group interactions, and productivity. In your discussion of the assessment process, including administration and interpretation, consider professional competencies that reflect the professional characteristics, culture of a given work setting and how these practices are essential to an effective multicultural competency environment. Along with the text, and the three articles listed below, locate an additional two peer-reviewed journal articles. (6 total references) Note: Find a test measuring a construct in your area of interest; do not purchase a review of any test. You will use the websites to look up the name and brief description of a test and then conduct further research on your own about this test. Read the following articles which are accessible through the following Library links: Meinert, D. (2015). Heads Up! HR Magazine, 60(5), 88. Retrieved from Fine, S. (2013). Practical guidelines for implementing pre-employment integrity tests. Public Personnel Management, 42(2), 281-292. Retrieved from Discuss the following in essay format: Address the purpose of pre-employment integrity testing. Describe the primary purpose many organizations include integrity testing during the hiring process of new employees. Describe the differences between overt integrity tests and personality-based integrity tests, including when an organization would choose one over the other type. Discuss the guidance the author provides in regards to fairness and adverse impact from integrity tests. Garvey, M. J., Momsen, B., & Steinberg, H. (2016). Strategic Customer Service, Cultural Differences, & the Big 5 in Canada, China, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the United States. Allied Academies International Conference: Proceedings of the Academy of Strategic Management (ASM), 15(2), 32–36. Retrieved from Compare and contrast what makes certain countries successful in customer service. Discuss the masculinity index and how it is used in the hiring/selection process. Examine the relationship between respect, power, and personality