Bio109—General Biology I—Formal Laboratory Report-Bean GerminationGRADING CRITERIAGeneral10 points_____Adheres to prescribed format_____Word processed, double space (except where noted), 1” margins top/bottom, Left/Right_____Paper is stapled or bound in folder _____Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation_____Personal Pronouns not used_____All headings are centered and printed in upper case; follows 2 lines below end of previoussection_____Language appropriate for audience (Bio 109 students)_____Proper APA citations of references_____Present for all lab sessionsTitle/Author10 points_____This section is on a separate cover sheet_____Title conveys thespecificessence of the experiment_____Scientific name of organisms studied(italicized or underlined)_____Specific aspect/parameter(s) of the organism you studied_____The factor tested/manipulatedin the experiment_____Author’s name appears as requested_____Course Title is given below author’s name_____Name of professor (spelled correctly)_____Date is given below professors nameAbstract10 points_____Concise, but comprehensive summary_____Identifies what you did, how you did it, significant results, and conclusions_____Single-spaced; may be numberedIntroduction20 points_____States the hypotheses of the experiment_____Provides background information from references about work already done on this topic, including, butnot limited to.
a.What is a seed
b.Is a seed alive; explain.
c.What factors are needed for germination?
d.What happens during germination?
e.Root/shoot formation
f.What is salt? _____Proper referencing of literature citedMaterials & Methods10 points_____List (single spaced) of materials, specimens, supplies, equipment, facilities, conditions used in theexperiments complete_____Correctunits ofconcentrations of salt solutions, temperatures, etc._____Enough details provided to allow for repeatability
2Results15 points_____Data presented in table and graph(s)_____Located immediately after Materials/Methods; not attached to the back of the paper_____Table and graph(s)are completely and properly labeled_____A detailed narrative of the results is present in addition to anygraphs/tables._____Data is provided for all aspects of the experimentDiscussion20 points_____The original hypothesis isrelated to the data_____Discussion is logical and well organized_____Discussion shows an understanding of the scientific method_____Conclusions are drawn from the data presented in the “Results” section_____Conclusions are supported by (or refuted by) information from references_____Background information in the Introduction is used to discuss the results_____Suggestions for a new hypothesisor modification of this experiment are provided_____Answers to the following questions are integrated into the discussion:
1.What effect does salthave on germination, root and shoot development
.2.What effect does higher salt concentration have on plant cells
3.Are there some salt concentrations that appear to have a detrimental effect and some concentrations seem to foster growth; explain
4.What isa control in this experiment andwhy/how was a control used?
5.Discuss the environmental implications of the data.
6.Terms defined on the pre-lab should be used in the Introduction section and/or the discussion section of the paper