Your final research essay requires you to synthesizethe material we have discussed, read and watchedin class in order to articulate an argument regarding a film (or group of films), a particular debate about sexuality, gender andcorporealityin the moving image, or a set of aesthetic or cultural practices in film or moving image culture. You are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to examine films beyond the syllabus and what we have seen in full inour module screenings. While you will not be penalized for choosing a film on the syllabus, you are urged to seek out other works we have not screened. Pleasecontact me for suggested films and to discuss your essay topic.Your paper should consider the function of sexuality, gender, and/or embodiment as an animating problematic within the films or media textsyou are discussing. Some organizing questionsthat will help guide your research:•What kinds of discourses sexuality does your text engage with? How might sexuality be theorizedby the film in question? What ideas about sexuality does the workbut produce and conceptualize? •What is the relationship between sexual representation and questions of aesthetic form in your chosen film?•What are the contexts of production,reception, and regulationof your chosen text(s), and how might these inform your understandings of itsoperation?What kinds of spaces has the work screened in and what kinds of spectatorshipdoes it presume/address?