Write a report describing and analysing the management style of Mr. Jack Marie Henry David Bowles, the CEO of BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO.

After undertaking an extensive research on the company, you must identify and state the issues within that company.  The topics to be chosen from your module is given below and covers learning outcomes for this module.

For each task given (FROM A to E), you are expected to incorporate at least one appropriate theory/model or recognised practice.  For example, for Motivation you could include Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

In your conclusion, you are to include at least two recommendations as to how might the company improve the situation in the future.

  1. Examine the management style and state the principle and functions of management used by the CEO of BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO? (400 words)
  2. Analyse the steps taken with regard to organisation structure in order to achieve high performance and state the organisational culture at BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO and its impact on the employees. (400 words)
  3. Describe the leadership style of the CEO of BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO to enhance the organisational effectiveness. (400 words)
  4. Analyse the effects of power, influence and conflict at the chosen firm. (400 words)
  5. Discuss the various types of motivation used at BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO. (400 words)
  6. Use appropriate corporate examples and literature to justify your stand. (300 words)
  7. Based on the discussion and debate what suggestions / recommendations (strategies) would you make to increase organisational performance? (350 words)

See below for the full explanation of the marking criteria

The Topic/title

  1. Feel free to discuss possibilities with your lecturer.
  2. Describe’ means ‘this is what happened’, ‘Analyse’ means ‘this is why it happened’.
  3. Recommendations could relate to the future, or to what others could learn from this situation.

Basic Format:

  • A title page, a contents page, an introduction, a main section with sub-sections, and a recommendation, conclusion and references. Clear headings are essential. Relevant sources of information should be cited using the Harvard referencing system.
  • Any areas of doubt need to be raised with your lecturer

The tasks A to F addresses all the learning outcomes.


A maximum of 3000 words not including contents, executive summary (of minimum 120 words), appendices or list of references.

This is a REPORT formatted paper hence, Executive Summary, Table of Contents, Introduction, Headings and sub-headings, Conclusion and Recommendation, Reference list and opossible Appendices

Important (see below)

Introduction – 350 words

Task A meets L01 – 400 words

Task B meets L02 – 400 words

Task C meets LO3 – 400 words

Task D meets L04 – 400 words

Task E meets L05 – 400 words

Task F – Use of corporate examples and literature – 300 words

Task G – Suggestions/ Recommendations – 350 words

The above mentioned word counts are guidelines for you.


Please note the following when completing your written assignment:

  1. Writing: Written in English in an appropriate business/academic style
  2. Focus: Focus only on the tasks set in the assignment.
  3. Document format: Report
  4. Ensure a clear title, course, and name or ID number is on a cover sheet and a reference using Harvard referencing throughout is also provided.
  5. Research: Research should use reliable and relevant sources of information e.g. academic books and journals that have been peer reviewed. The research should be extensive.

 The use of a range of information sources is expected – academic books, peer reviewed journal articles, professional articles, press releases and newspaper articles, reliable statistics, company annual reports and other company information. All referencing should be strictly in Harvard style.