Compose an essay that answers each of the questions below. Each response is worth up to five points. The exam has a total of 50 possible points. Your responses are due before the beginning of class on Monday, September 14th . Load your exam responses into the blackboard assignment site.
- After World War II, what were the three main concerns driving efforts to rebuild European countries?
- Explain James Sheehan’s concept of the “Civilian State.” How did the rise of the civilian state assist in the development of the European Union?
- Briefly explain how the European Union (Communities) began. Which were the original founding members? Why these countries? Why didn’t other countries participate?
- What were the first institutions of European integration and what were their purposes? Why did European leaders focus on integration in these areas and not others?
- Who were some of the principal figures in the founding of the different “communities?” What was their background?
- What were the possible ways considered by the principal figures to pursue European integration. Which options did they pursue/not pursue, and why?
- What does it mean to say that the EU is more than an Intergovernmental Organization and less than a Supranational Authority?
- Consider Neo-Functionalism, Liberal Intergovernmentalism and Federalism. Explain the factors each approach identifies as the main driver of integration.
- What is Leon Lindberg’s concept of spillover, and how does it apply to the EU?
- How does Simon Hix challenge the way European integration is understood?