For Chapter 13, analyze the theoretical foundation of Tannenbaum and and Schmidt’s (1975) Leadership Style Continuum. The researchers postulated that the contingent process of leadership selection was attributed to situational context (e.g., psychological and job maturity of subordinates). In a two-page paper (single-spaced), expound on this theoretical paradigm and test its validity. Use Fiedler’s Contingency Model, Hersey and Blanchard’s (1977) Situational Leadership Theory, McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, transactional and transformational leadership theories to establish linkages to validate your answer. At the end of your paper, provide recommendations for future leaders based on your research findings. Incorporate advice from the talk provided by Peter Anderton.
Be sure to use proper English grammar and high verbiage in addition to check your spelling before submitting your work. Be sure to reference the rubric criteria to see how your assignment will be graded.