3. Introduction
Briefly describe the context of the interview-who you interviewed, why they were selected and where the interview took place (e.g., racial background, gender, age, social-economic status, nationality, country of residence, cultural background).
4. Main Body
– Analyze the responses from the interview and present a summary of your findings.
– Describe how your views are different or similar to your family members,
– Identify where your family is located in the continuum of privilege and oppression
5. Conclusion

  1. When you think about your roots, what place(s) of origin do you identify for your family?
  2. Have you ever heard any stories about how your family or your ancestors came to the place where you grew up or how they came to the United States? Briefly, what was the story?
  3. Are there any foods that you or someone else prepares that are traditional for your place of origin or some other aspect of your heritage? What are they? What is their significance?
  4. Are there any celebrations, ceremonies, rituals, or holidays that your family continues to celebrate that reflect your place of origin or some other aspect of your heritage? What are they? How are they celebrated?
  5. Do you or anyone in your family speak a language other than English because of your origins? If so, what language?’
  6. Can you think of one piece of advice that has been handed down through your family that reflects the values held by your ancestors? What is it? Does it reflect a cultural, religious, or individual value?



  1. Have you ever heard anyone make a negative comment about people from your place(s) of origin or about another aspect of your heritage? How did you handle it?
  2. As you were growing up, do you remember discovering that your family did anything differently from other families because of your culture, religion, or ethnicity? What was it?
  3. Have you ever been with someone in a work situation who did something because of his or her culture, religion, or ethnicity that seemed unusual to you? What was it? Why did it seem unusual?
  4. Have you ever felt uncomfortable, upset, or surprised by something that you saw when you were traveling in another part of the United States or the world? If so, what was it? How did it make you feel? Pick some descriptive words to explain your feelings. How did you react? In retrospect, how do you wish you would have reacted?
  5. Have you ever done anything that you think was culturally inappropriate when you have been in another country or with someone from a different culture? In other words, have you ever done something that you think might have been upsetting or embarrassing to another person? What was it? What did you try to do to improve the situation?