Answer all questions in your own words. Do not copy any text from the notes, readings, or other sources. The assignment must be your own work only.
Contextual information
If you were a medical professional in the 1980s, the pager, a one-way communication medium, was probably part of your daily life. However, the pager is one of the mobile technologies that has failed, and you are unlikely to find one in a hospital today. Not only was the device very expensive, but it also proved to be of little use in that it merely notified a user that someone was looking for them. Despite providing little value to the user, pagers remained on the market for years to come, yet never made a real breakthrough. In contrast to this unsuccessful technology, think about the huge success and pervasiveness of mobile phone technology.
For the purposes of this activity submission, select one item from this list of successful and unsuccessful technologies:
• Betamax
• Blu-ray
• CD
• MP3
• Mobile phones
2. Question
1.1 Choose one of the listed technologies and analyse the reasons behind the success or failure of your chosen technology.
1.2 Based on the analysis and the factors that you identified in
Question 1.1, predict the trajectory that AI will take over the next five years in your organisation or an organisation of your choice.
In your response, consider the following:
• The current, short-term, and medium-term needs of your organisation or an organisation of your choice
• The solutions that AI may offer to these short-term, and medium-term needs of your organisation
The combined word count of your answers should not exceed 500 words.