Paper #1
Submit a 1-2 page (“page” means “FULL PAGE”) response to this question:
Manuel is taking an achievement test for the second time. He expresses feeling tired after attending a pep rally at school the night before, but is excited about playing in the football game tonight. The heater does not appear to be working properly. It is making a clicking sound, and the room is relatively cold. After taking the test, Manuel reports that some of the questions were easy to answer because he remembers them from the previous test. Classify the three sources of measurement error in this scenario and describe how they may impact reliability.
NOTE: Any paper submitted that is less than the minimum amount of 1 FULL page will not receive a passing score. A “full page” means a full page: no half pages or 3/4ths of a page, with no large spaces (especially at the top and bottom of the page). The maximum points one can earn with anything less than a FULL page will be 3 points, which is a D.
QUOTE LIMIT: To prevent students from copying-and-pasting large blocks of material (content) from online sources/websites/textbooks. etc., and to specifically prevent students from relying on others to provide content for them, only a single quote from that source is permitted per assignment. THIS QUOTE IS SET AT A ONE SENTENCE LIMIT, MUST be in quotations, and MUST be properly cited where the instructor can easily verify the source. Meaning, you CAN a quote from an outside source, but they cannot exceed one sentence. Do not forget this. Any assignment that incorporates large blocks of text (quotes from outside sources) that exceeds this limit will not receive a passing score. Do not forget this. This assignment needs to be in your own words…not theirs.

IMPORTANT: Do not include your name, my name, the name of the course, the name of the college, the name of the assignment, the date, wasted space or any other filler information on the assignment. Rather, at the very top of the page, immediately begin with the very first word of the assignment. If you include your name, my name, etc., this may affect the length of the paper by making it too short. If your assignment is too short because of this, it will NOT count as a “FULL AND COMPLETE PAGE”, and you will only receive a “D” on this assignment for being too short. DO NOT FORGET THIS.