Need to compare and contrast the 2 women in Roman Fever by Edith Wharton. The women are Mrs. Slade and Mrs. Ansley. Describe each character carefully, both from descriptions of them
and from their actions. How are their perceptions of themselves and each other
flawed? What deceptions do they carry out? How do the deceptions affect their
lives? Which character seems more conniving and deceitful? Use of a source (minimum of one of the short stories) is required for this essay. At least
two quotations from a short story must be used in each body paragraph. No other
sources should be used or cited in the essay. Adding additional sources may lower your
essay grade. Document your source(s) correctly using MLA format. Analyze in the essay. Find elements that are comparable to create
meaningful insights. This essay must have more than five paragraphs. For the introduction or conclusion, you must have a paragraph where you alternate
sentences about side “a” and side “b” within the paragraph. **Note: This method must be
used for the introduction or conclusion paragraph; however, body paragraphs should
not develop both side “a” and side “b” within one paragraph.
Write one analogy. Use restatement for clarification. Required: Use a colon correctly in a restatement.
This is considered a formal essay following the rules of Standard Written English. Type it double-spaced on the computer. Use 12-point Times New Roman and
one-inch margins.
b. Include a title.
c. In the header include your name, instructor’s name, course and section number,
and date on separate double-spaced lines in the upper left-hand corner. In the
upper right corner on each page, put your last name and page number. Write an essay 1,000-1,250 words in length (at least three full pages; no more than five