Chapter 1: Compare how Louisa decided to become a nurse to your own decision to pursue nursing- (Short paragraph)

Chapter 3: Louisa-aka “Nurse Periwinkle”- describes her introduction to nursing a flood of incoming wounded and what the rhythm of the day was. Select a few (1-3) lines from this chapter that stood out to you. (Cut and paste them.)

Chapter 4a: Her nursing care of the “Duty Room”, “The Pleasure Room” and “The Pathetic Room” as night nurse was very vivid. The categories are not that different from today’s units in hospitals. What alternative names would you use for the 3 different categories to help you prioritize care?

Chapter 4b: The author’s story of John and the end of life care perfectly capture nursing at its best and demonstrates the privilege of nursing another individual at their most vulnerable. Write a short paragraph on how the professional relationship between nurse and patient can make a memorable impact on the nurse. (This could be a whole paper, but try to be concise.)

Chapter 5: The author answers readers questions and depicts Louisa. Were you surprised as she was by how cordially and professionally the nurses were treated by the doctors? (Y/N/maybe and 1 sentence explaining your answer.)

What line in this chapter made you realize that doctors (surgeons in this case) are people too? (Cut and paste one line here)