Conduct research on the art work using at least 4 sources written by experts. Please use only academic sources.
How to write paper:
Your paper should consist of a sound argument (aka, thesis) and you must successfully support it
with evidence-based research. This is how research progresses. An academic art history paper is
much closer to math than it is to creative writing: it’s like a puzzle that needs solving. You’re
basically stating your opinion BUT your opinion is based on factual research! It shouldn’t be
based on your personal feelings or opinions. An argument also is not something that we already
know. So, “Leonardo da Vinci was an artistic genius” isn’t a great argument because we all
know that (and everyone knew it when he was alive, too). A better one would be “Venice’s
architecture reflects its broad and lucrative trading networks in northern Europe and with the
Middle East.” I will provide a writing guide attached.