Purpose: To recognize an opportunity for client/family teaching, create a teaching plan with possible barriers to learning and client-specific learning styles in mind.

Read the article An Overview of Adult Learning by Sally Russell: https://www.suna.org/sites/default/files/download/members/unjarticles/2006/06oct/349.pdf

Based on the client scenario below assume you are actually teaching this client/family and follow directions 1-9

  • Determine the client/family knowledge deficit
  • Identify a specific potential barrier(s) to learning
  • Identify potential client/family’s specific learning style(s)
  • Develop a detailed content outline for the teaching plan
  • Access learning materials for the teaching session
  • Implement the teaching plan per the content outline you created
  • Identify specific teaching strategies (refer to article for suggestions)
  • Describe exactly how you taught the content using these strategies?
  • Evaluate- how would know the client/family teaching is effective?
  1. Describe verbal and nonverbal cues
  2. Include patient statements in quotes in the evaluation of the teaching.
  3. Submit an assignment following the example provided.
  4. Turn in materials used to teach the patient with submission of assignment
  5. See example of formatting on the next page


You are the nurse caring for a 45-year-old Hispanic client admitted to the hospital for a T6 fracture after fall at work.  You note the following information in the client’s chart:

Past Medical History: hypertension, hyperlipidemia

Past Surgical History: appendectomy 2008

Home Medications: Lisinopril 5mg po daily, Lipitor 10mg po QHS, ASA 81mg po daily

Social History: Denies tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drug use. Graduated high school, has worked in construction for 28 years. English is second language.

The client is being discharged home after two weeks in the hospital. The client’s spouse is at bedside and involved in their care. The client listens and asks questions during your shift but expresses their anxiety by stating “I don’t know how my family is going to take care of me.”

They have been using wheelchair for the last week in the hospital and will be continuing home medications, which they have taken for years. Wound care will be need for a healing stage 2 pressure ulcer that will require mepilex dressings.