Key Assignment: Write a critical appraisal to analyze a QUANTITATIVE NURSING RESEARCH STUDY
The purpose is to use the critical appraisal process to analyze a quantitative nursing research study.
Write a critical appraisal to analyze a QUANTITATIVE NURSING RESEARCH STUDY
Purpose: Critically appraise a quantitative research study.
Interpret the findings of a quantitative research study for application to nursing practice or the nursing profession.
Read the assigned article. Write a critical appraisal of the assigned quantitative research study.
A critical appraisal of a research study is different than summarizing a research study.
When critically appraising a research study, you are evaluating how well the study’s author(s) addressed each aspect of the research study.
Use the critiquing questions identified in Table 4-1 Guide to a Focused Critique of Evidence Quality in a Quantitative Research Report (question guide is attached).
The appraisal must be between 3 – 4 pages in length (excluding the student title page and reference list).
The critical appraisal must address the following aspects of the research study.
Write 1 to 2 paragraphs to appraise the methods, including the research design.
Write 1 paragraph to evaluate the population and sample.
Write 1 to 2 paragraphs to assess data collection and measurement.
Write 1 paragraph to appraise the procedures.
Write 1 to 2 paragraphs to evaluate the results and data analysis.
Write 1 to 2 paragraphs to appraise the findings and interpretation.
Write a 1 paragraph summary assessment.
APA Style Requirements
• * Included a student title page and reference list
* Used 1-inch margins
* Used 11 or 12-point font
* Double-spaced title page, text, and reference list
* Used Level 1 Headings
* Adhered to format guidelines for the text/body of the paper and reference list
* Correctly formatted in-text citations for paraphrased and quoted works using the author-date citation system, parenthetical or narrative citations, and included a page number or location for quoted works )
* Correctly formatted the reference list and ensure that in-text citations match the reference list
* Adhered to APA Style requirements for Writing Style and Grammar
* Adhere to APA Style requirements for Mechanics of Style