Topic ; Diabetic emergency (Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemic)
Recommend structure;
Introduction (brief introduction of diabetes and complication
Main body
Recommendation for clinical practice
Screening assessment
Management treatment
Critically examine and appraise how changes within the National Health Service have impacted on the care delivered to a patient with diabetes mellitus. You will be expected to provide the most contemporary sources of policy that have influenced your topic choice.
Analyse and critically synthesise relevant theoretical and contemporary research based knowledge around your chosen topic. There is evidence of a comprehensive range of literature sources used to demonstrate that you have read widely around your topic in order for you to demonstrate comprehensive critical syntheses, as well as a coherent line of discussion.
Robust critical application of the evidence to support your topic and suggestions on how you can implement change to your practice.
An action plan [as an appendix] can be included to identify how you will address these suggestions meeting SMART criteria
Demonstrate logical and coherent development in your work. It must be clearly presented
You will have:
 Structured your essay in a logical manner including an introduction and summary or conclusion
 Demonstrated a coherent line of discussion
-critically examine and appraise; analysis and critical synthesis; critical application of the literature-