5 2. Module enhancementThis is the first run of this module, so we will value your feedback.3. Module specific informationThe UWE module specification can be found at http://info.uwe.ac.uk/modules/specification.asp?urn=2136683&file=UZYRR8-15-2_Emergency_Care_of_the_Older_Adult_v1.pdfSUPPORTLEARNING OUTCOMESOn successful completionof this module students will be able to :

1.Demonstrate an understanding of age demographics, stereotyping and thenormalphysiological changes with aging

2.Develop an understanding of the common problems older adults presentwithin urgent and emergency care, considering how these illnesses affectservice usersin the community

3.Critically evaluate strategies for communication and the application ofinterpersonal skills

4.Critically evaluate end-of-life care issues and the role of the paramedic inproviding holistic, patient focused care

5.Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how to undertake a falls riskassessment and work interprofessionally to reduce the risk

6.Explore the issues surrounding polypharmacy and compliance in the olderadultincluding ways in which medications can be safely managed withcognitive decline

7.Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the Community Matron andextendedmultidisciplinary team in ensuring health and wellbeing in thecommunity

8.Recognise the risk and safeguarding factors when assessing the older adultand the physical and emotional signs of neglect and abuse