Choose any contemporary domestic or global company and go to their website and peruse their information. Describe the business model based on what you were able to find. How does a business model differ from a business plan?

Activity 2: The Four Parts of a Business Model

Based on what you were able to find, describe their business model and each of the following components: the offering, the customers, the infrastructure, and the financial viability.

Activity 3: What job is the customer trying to get done?

According to your text, customers face at least one of the four problems that prevent them from getting a job done. These problems include: lack of time, lack of money, lack of skills, and lack of access (see Figure 5.2).

Identify key stakeholders or customer groups in the company you’ve identified:

What are the key jobs that key stakeholders need to get done?

What are the key barriers to getting these jobs done more efficiently?

Have you identified any potential opportunities?