Practice Problem: • Use of bedside report compared to report at the nursing station

Describe the nursing clinical practice problem and why the problem is significant to nursing practice. Include data, evidence, or statistics to demonstrate that the identified clinical practice problem is a priority.
Write a PICOT question to address the identified clinical practice problem. Follow and answer the PICO(T) question format template. Identify and label each component of the PICOT question.
Ensure the PICOT question describes the clinical practice problem, the proposed intervention, the comparison intervention, the outcome, and includes a timeframe.

Summarize the research study by describing the research design, sample and setting, major variables (independent variable, dependent variable), major findings, and application of findings to the proposed practice problem and PICOT question.

Paper structure instructions attached.
Research article attached.
PICO(T) question template attached.
Critiquing questions attached.