Select a research article that entails ORIGINAL research on utilization of evidence-based practices using informatics for quality improvement in mental health clients.
Analyze the components of a research article and describe the impact it has on the nursing profession.

Please copy and paste the article to the assignment document or provide a direct link to the article. The article must entail documentation that shows that original research was conducted. For example, the authors set up the research and conducted a study; then reported their findings. The article should not merely include a summary about research that was conducted by others. It must detail information about research that was conducted by the authors of the article that was selected.


Select a research article that entails ORIGINAL research on utilization of evidence-based practices using informatics for quality improvement in mental health clients.
What is the main question/problem presented in the research study related to informatics and quality improvement of mental health? In other words, what are the researchers hoping to find out while conducting this study?
Describe the population/sample that was studied. Were there any restrictions/stipulations on who could participated in the study? Describe what those restrictions/stipulations were:
Describe any measures that were put in place to ensure the research study participants remained safe during conducted research. Discuss why these are important:
Answer if the article included a quantitative or qualitative design. How did you determine this?
What were the results/findings of the study?
How do you feel these results could impact nursing practice and the patient population in the future?
Do you feel it is important research findings are incorporated into healthcare? Explain why or why not. How will you stay informed of research findings as a future RN?
Example of Format:

Student Name:

Research Study and Purpose

The research study that I chose……. The problem or question that was addressed in this study was….

Participants, Restrictions, Safety and Design

The population used in this study were selected from ……. There were the following restrictions put in place during this study…. One safety measure that was implemented was…. The design was (quantitative or qualitative) indicated by…….

Results of the Study and Impact on Practice

The results of the study showed….. However, these factors need for further investigation to make sure the results are reliable.

Personal Implementation of Research

In my career I plan on implementing evidence based research into my practice by …..