In this assignment, you need to first develop and reflect on your own ethical system and then, secondly, compare and contrast your own morals with Kantian ethics. The creative assignment is designed to help you better understand and articulate your own values and principles, whatever they may be, and assess how well your own moral code aligns with an established ethical theory that you engage with this week: Kantian ethics.
This assignment is worth 15 marks. See rubric for the breakdown of your grade.
In the first section of your assignment, worth 5 marks, you need to explain the ethics that guide and inform your daily decisions. Perhaps you’ve never thought about this topic before. If that’s the case, make sure to take some time to think about what values, norms, guidelines, principles matter to you. Marks for this section are given to how well you explain and articulate your own moral code, not on what values/principles you embrace.
This paragraph should be at least 8-10 sentences. You can write more, but not less.
The second half of your assignment is divided into two sections, and each section is worth 5 marks. In both sections you will summarize one of Kant’s categorical imperatives.
In the second paragraph, worth 5 marks, you need to summarize and provide an example of the following categorical imperative: “Act only on that maxim (reason) by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.” First summarize this rule. Then provide an example to illustrate that you understand this rule. Finally, conclude the section by comparing/contrasting this rule with your own ethical system outlined in the first paragraph. That is, does this rule challenge your ethical system? Does it align with your ethical system? Explain.
This paragraph should be at least 7-8 sentences. You can write more, but not less.
In the third and concluding paragraph, worth 5 marks, you need to summarize and provide an example of the following categorical imperative: “Act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only.” Follow the same format as the previous paragraph. That is, summarize the rule, provide an example, and contrast with this rule with your own ethical system.