Article- Two Years On New York Times

– Choose just one paragraph of the article, or two consecutive paragraphs if they are less than four sentences each, to analyze for this essay.
Write: Construct an essay analyzing the details you find significant about this paragraph. This should not be a summary of or response to the content of the paragraph, but a detailed analysis of the words, tone, language, organization, purpose, etc. of the paragraph.
Create an introduction and thesis statement that shows your overall assessment of the paragraph.
Use topic sentences and transitions to organize your body paragraphs. Your topic sentences should state your observations and conclusions.
Develop specific evidence for your ideas. Quote specific words and phrases from the paragraph that support your claims and conclusions. Use MLA Style in-text citations for each quotation.
Construct a conclusion paragraph that synthesizes your main points and offers closure.
Your only source is the article you analyze; you should not use any additional sources for this assignment.