5-page research paper on venous insufficiency(this dose did not include reference sheet and title sheet) Follow this outline: Outline Format I. Thesis Statement II. Discuss the age group, SES, region, ethnic group, gender, etc. where this disease or injury is most prevalent. Include recent data and statistics A. Subpoint 1. Details 2. More details of the Subpoint B. Next Subpoint 1. Details of the Subpoint 2. More details of the Subpoint III. Discuss the causes and symptoms A. Subpoint 1. Details of Subpoint 2. More details of the Subpoint B. Next Subpoint 1. Details of the Subpoint 2. More details of the Subpoint IV. Discuss treatment and proliferation without treatment A. Subpoint 1. Details of Subpoint 2. More details of the Subpoint B. Next Subpoint 1. Details of the Subpoint 2. More details of the Subpoint V. Conclusion & Future Research A. Closing 1. Details of Subpoint 2. More details of the Subpoint B. Future Research 1. Details of the Subpoint 2. More details of the Subpoint VI. APA Style in-text citations and references where appropriate References website from: U.S. National Library of Medicine: https://medlineplus.gov/?_ga=2.173518755.1608841449.1599617588-1695560360.1599617588 and or Medescape https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1085412-overview