Type in 12 point Times New Roman font
Include a cover page using APA style
Include a running head and page number (APA)
Double space your work
Indent new paragraphs, and do not leave extra space between paragraphs
A book report for ACE Communications will consist of 5 well-developed paragraphs. The following explains what to write in your paragraphs.
Paragraph 1
The Introductory Paragraph should address the following items:
Title of the book and the author’s name
The number of pages in the book, and the name of the publisher
The reasons that you chose to read this book
Paragraph 2
Main Characters Paragraph
This paragraph should state who the main characters are and why they are important.
Paragraph 3
Other Characters Paragraph
This paragraph should state the names of the other less important characters, and the key role that each one plays. If there are several other characters, just include the ones of the most importance.
Paragraph 4
Plot Summary Paragraph
This paragraph should address the following items:
Type of book (mystery, biography, etc.)
Setting – place or country
Time period
Other physical locations- e.g. buildings, ships, airplanes, houses
Other items of importance – e.g. Is the book frightening, fast-paced, violent?
What are the main characters trying to do?
What is the outcome of the book?
Paragraph 5
Personal Impressions and Conclusion Paragraph
State why you liked the book, or why you did not like the book. Discuss the book’s strong points and weak points. State something that you learned from the book. State why you would or would not recommend this book to other readers.