Format: Essay
Length: 2,000 words
Please note that the word count includes in text citations but not your reference list. There is no +10% allowance for word limit. Your mark will be affected if the word count exceeds the specified word limit because any words beyond the specified word limit will not be marked.
Assessment details
For this assessment you are required to review the following case study and answer the question below. Please read the case study carefully.
This assessment should be submitted in a modified essay format. This means students are required to include an introduction, body and conclusion in their work. Headings are acceptable, but dot points, lists, tables and pictures are not. Students should reference according to the guidelines set out in the APA 6 referencing guide.
This assessment requires you to explore the evidence base around nursing care for the older adult who has experienced an acute illness. You will need to critically analyse the current best practice nursing literature as it applies to the case study.
Only research articles are to be used for your identification of best practice. That is, unit protocols or guidelines, textbooks and other secondary sources do NOT qualify as suitable reference material for uncovering the evidence base for best practice. PubMed, The Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health literature (CINAHL) and Medline are useful sources to locate the research evidence for this essay.
Case Scenario
Mrs Vaz is a 78 year old female. She is an inpatient on the acute geriatrics ward. She has a history of osteoarthritis, transient ischaemic attacks (x2), mild dementia, hyperlipidaemia, and type II diabetes mellitus. Mrs Vaz is a widow who lives in the granny flat behind the home of her son and his young family. She enjoys maintaining the family garden, but she says that she finds it increasingly difficult to kneel down and go up and down the stairs of the sloping garden. Before her dementia diagnosis, she had been occasionally minding her two young grandchildren after school. Mrs Vaz was admitted to hospital after experiencing an acute episode of delirium. The cause of the delirium was precipitated by a urinary tract infection, which has since been resolved. While in hospital, Mrs Vaz has become incontinent of urine. She will soon be transferred to the geriatric rehabilitation ward, where the aim will be to set individualized, meaningful goals for her eventual discharge from hospital.
Based on the case study provided, identify three (3) rehabilitation goals for Mrs Vaz.
With reference to these identified goals;
Discuss the significance of these goals to Mrs Vaz, based on her current risk factors
Draw on the relevant evidence base, to critically analyse best practice for the nursing interventions which would be appropriate to achieve each of these goals
Provide an evidence based rationale for your nursing interventions
The word limit for this assessment is 2,000 words.
Introduction (100 words) Introduce the content you will focus on How will you discuss the complication (format of assignment)
Main body Goal #1 (150 words)
Critical analysis of best nursing practice to achieve the goal [450]
Evidence based rationale for the nursing interventions
Goal #2 (150 words)
Critical analysis of best nursing practice to achieve the goal [450]
Evidence based rationale for the nursing interventions
Goal #3 (150 words)
Critical analysis of best nursing practice to achieve the goal [450]
Evidence based rationale for the nursing interventions
Conclusion (100 words) Reinforce key points raised in main body
Reinforce key points raised in main body