• Complete all associated models (risk assessment, tactical procurement plan), the spreadsheets (excel), and draw and describe the input- and the output side of the value-chain, so that you have an in-depth understanding of what the different solutions looks like and results in.

• Present realistic recommendations on what the operations manager (you) should do to manage the overall situation and its challenges (including at least one key topic from each of the following chapters: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11, 12,and 14 (see list below).

• Remember to support your recommendations with quality sources (e.g. from academic journals, industry reports, business news sources, corporate- and watch-dog websites, ranking institutes, corporate websites etc.). Remember to include your calculus tools (excel sheets) excel outcomes in your report and rationale.

• Suggested space allocation: introduction and background (100 words); body/literature review (500 words); recommendations (500 words); justification (900 words); outcomes and results of recommendations (500 words). Additional report space applicable according to above instructions.