CO1: Analyze perspectives on global supply chain design
CO5: Evaluate sustainability initiatives impact on global supply chains
Sustainability efforts by companies focus on the three aspects of people, planet, and profits. Choose one of these three aspects and discuss how sustainability efforts address that aspect. What is the impact to the company? What advantages or disadvantages might be seen when addressing this aspect? In addition to reading your assigned resources for week 8, research online definitions for sustainable supply chains.
Instructions: Additionally, you are to respond to a minimum of two fellow students with a posting containing over 150 words. Your original post should incorporate concepts and materials that you have researched and learned this week. Please include a minimum of one attribute for an internet resource to support your findings in addition to a citation from your textbook. These postings are research based and should be based on what you learned in addition to your own experiences and insights. Opinions are allowed, however they should not constitute the majority of the initial forum posting. Please note that for all Forum postings where an author is quoted or paraphrased, an attribution to the source or sources should be placed at the bottom of the forum posting.