Examine the five factors that represent major individual or cultural differences (Individualism/collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity/femininity, time orientation). To what degree do you fit the image of a person from your own country on those dimensions? Could you work with someone with the opposite characteristics? Explain.

Directions: Your essay is a self reflection and can take any form you desire as long as you relate your reflection to your personal experience and the chapter readings. In the unlikely event that you cannot relate any personal experience to the topic, then imagine how you might react in a similar situation. Write a 2-3 page APA paper (excluding the title and reference page) and upload it by Saturday midnight Pacific Time. Integrate at least two scholarly articles/sources (in addition to citing your textbook). Be sure to cite your sources on the Reference page at the end of your paper and use APA formatting throughout (see NU APA Guide 7th Edition).