Critical Evaluation and Research Writing – Journal Article Summary

This assignment is designed to give you an in-depth experience with current examples of research in human resources.  Select one of the three articles listed below to read. You will sign up for a group with your classmates who are reading the same journal article. These are research articles on different topics within HR.  Write a summary paper that should:

  • Summarize the article (its purpose, background, research question, methodology, and results)
  • Identify what the study tells us that we did not know before
  • Examine the implications of the article on organizations and how they operate
  • Explore what future research should address
  • Discuss the positive and negative aspects of the article (i.e., Was the purpose clear? Did the methodology make sense to you? Could the research question be approached in a better/different manner? Were inconsistencies between predictions and findings clarified effectively? Did the authors adequately identify limitations of the research?)
  • Your paper should conclude with a personal note of reflection discussing your reaction to this exercise and what you learned or observed about human resources research

The three research articles you are to select from are:

Carpenter, N.C., Rangel, B., Jeon, G., & Cottrell, J. (2017). Are supervisors and coworkers likely to witness employee counterproductive behavior? An investigation of observability and self-observer convergence. Personnel Psychology, 70 (4), 843-889.

Hu, X., Zhan, Y., Garden, R., Wang, M., & Shi, J. (2018). Employees’ reaction to customer mistreatment: The moderating role of human resource management practices. Work & Stress, 32(1), 49-67.

Schaubroeck, J.M., Hannah, S.T., Avolio, B.J., Kozlowski, S.W., Lord, R.G., Trevino, L.K., Dimotakis, N., & Peng, A.C. (2012). Embedding leadership within and across organization levels. The Academy of Management Journal, 55(5), 1053-1078.

The paper should be no more than five double-spaced pages using 12-point Times New Roman font, and 1” margins on all sides (excluding title page). In addition, you are expected to use APA writing format, referring to the APA manual required for this class.

In the group discussion board, discuss the thoughts and opinions in your paper based on the questions from above. You will also review the article summary of two classmates in your group and enter into dialogue adding insightful or new ideas, comments, or questions.

To provide a structure for balanced participation, and to allow you to maximize the benefit of the discussion boards, it is recommended that you follow the following guidelines:

  1. Post your initial response to discussion questions in the first three days of the week (Monday through Wednesday).
  2. Post two or more thoughtful and topic-relevant comments to responses made by classmates for each discussion question during the last four days of the week (Thursday through Sunday).
  3. Respond to any questions that your instructor or peers have regarding your posts by the end of the week (Sunday).

Grading criteria for the threaded discussion activity:

Comprehension/Content (25%)

Adds insightful or new ideas, comments, or questions relevant to the activity and/or to other students’ posts.

Engagement/Response(s) and Peer Feedback (where appropriate) (20%)

Adds value to the discussion through further integration of course content and supplemental material. Provide respectful peer feedback, where required.

Critical Thinking/Analysis (20%)

Appropriately references readings, materials in course sessions and other postings.

Timeliness *(20%)

Meets requirements of the activity in a timely manner.

Writing (15%)

Writes clearly, concisely, and grammatically correct. APA citations where used.

*Penalty for lateness of an assignment beyond the deadline is 5% for one day, up to 20% if four days late, and not accepted if more than four days late. The professor has the discretion to not accept discussion board posts at any time beyond the due date, because the opportunity to participate in the discussion board assignment has passed.