Your answers must be saved in Word and then uploaded to Canvas to go through turnitin for originality report. The writing must be original and your writing.
Find the values of 2010 and 2019 annual U.S:
1. GDP
2. GDP per capita
3. Unemployment rate
4. Inflation rate
Report the statistics for the two years in a table, make sure that your statistics are yearly statistics. Then, you also need to have a written part comparing the performance of the economy in 2010 and 2019.
You can use the web sites below to find the above statistics. You need to type the results of your research in a table, and then write a paragraph under the table comparing and analyzing the statistics. Explain how the economy had been doing in 2010 and 2019 and how it had changed from 2010 to 2019. Do not submit just the print out papers or charts from different web-sites.
For the above information you might look at the following web sites, but you could research on your own if the following web sites do not provide you with the requested information: (Links to an external site.)